Friday 3 March 2017

Blogging rules

Hi my name is Toby, Welcome to my blog.

  1. No personal details
  2. Acknowledge sources - CC search
  3. 5+sentenaces per post
  4. Kind, caring & constraktive
  5. Only save not publish
  6.  Title TBC


  1. Great work on helping Emily AND posting as well Toby. You have great blogging and AKO skills.

    Take a look at your post. Check out the spelling of constructive, turn step 6 into more of a sentence: Add TBC in the title when the teacher needs to check. How do you spell sentences?
    Fix up these errors and slow down to notice the details next time.

    Keep up the awesome blogging Toby.

    Whaea Allana

  2. Hi Toby,
    You have included lots of important rules for blogging. Next time use full stops.
    From Allana

  3. hi toby
    you have put in lots of rules to blogging well done!
    next time please put in more things.
    from Isaac
